
All You Need To Know About Part 135 Operator

Are you a pilot looking to sharpen your skills upon aircraft operation? Part 135 Indoc Training is an excellent choice for you. As a pilot, you need to keep your certificates up to date to attain those skills necessary for aviation.

To be a part 135 certificate holder, you must first apply, qualify and achieve FAA authorization for each type of operation as per OPSpecs’ conduction. There are four types of part 135 operations. As a standard part 135 operator, you do not have pre-set limits on their function and available size. Unlike standard part 135 operators, a single pilot part 135 operator is limited to using a single pilot for all part135 operations. But who is really a part 135 operator?

Who Is A Part 135 Operator?

As a part 135 operator, you will provide air taxi flights, commercial flights, and non-commercial flights such as private air charter. Part 135 operators vary from small single aircraft operators to large aircraft operators. You are also required to have a flight following system, which will help you track the status of all flights and ensure active control of the company’s aircraft.

Services Offered By A Part 135 Operator

FAA Flight Standards issue guidelines and regulations. According to FAA, a part 135 operator, you are expected to work closely with the FAA Office of Hazardous Materials Safety. You will develop, maintain, and implement approved hazardous (unsafe goods) materials programs. This is done to ensure you are trained and have the experience to transport dangerous goods by air safely.

Aside from dangerous goods, you will provide unscheduled flight services and be able to operate on request. You can also find yourself in the line of duty, providing flight services to critical passengers and cargo to remote areas.

Is It Hard To Get Certified As A Part 135 Operator?

Are you looking to attain your part 135 certificate, but you are wondering what you need? Are you having cold feet and wondering if you can get that certificate that everyone said is almost impossible to get? The following is a list of four things that you need to know and will encourage you to become that operator you have set your mind on.

  1.   Age Limit– According to the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, the age limit to operating a part 135 is 65. The law requires pilots to retire from working as airline pilots at that age. Otherwise, there is no maximum age to become a pilot.
  2. Actual Theory and Practical Training– The average timeframe to gain certification to operate a part 135 aircraft is approximately two years from start to finish. Before you serve as a pilot in command in an Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR) operation, you must at least accumulate 1200 pilot flight hours experience.
  3. Sober Minded– For you to operate a part 135 aircraft during and after training, you need to undergo a drug and alcohol background check from time to time. This is a safety requirement for operating and maintaining the aircraft.
  4. Patience and Persistence– There are six stages in the process of you becoming a part 135 operator. Handle the stages with patience, and you will be certified.


Part 135 operation plays a significant role concerning business purposes, health, and also luxury. Part 135 training and certification have become almost needful for every pilot.

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